Data for the manuscript: Estimating aerosol emission from SPEXone on the NASA PACE mission using an ensemble Kalman Smoother: Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs)

  • Athanasios Tsikerdekis (SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research) (Creator)
  • Nick A.J Schutgens (Creator)
  • Guangliang Fu (Creator)
  • Otto P. Hasekamp (Creator)



Data for the manuscript: "Estimating aerosol emission from SPEXone on the NASA PACE mission using an ensemble Kalman Smoother: Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs)" at Geoscientific Model Development.

The file "Experiments.tar" contains all the ECHAM-HAM simulations. Each experiment has an ensemble mean (ensmean) and an ensemble standard deviation (ensstd) file. The "NatureRuns.tar" contains the Nature Runs used in this study. The file "SPEXone.tar" contains all the SPEXone related data used in this study.
Date made available2022

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