The data set provides the results fault slip inversion analysis, which have been performed with the computer software WinTensor (Delvaux and Sperner, 2003). The raw data underlying these results have been collected during two field campaigns in the Eastern Alps in 2011 and 2013. The data table contains information on the sites where the data collection took place (longitude, latitude in WGS84 coordinate system) as well as results of Win-Tensor calculations including the orientation of the principle finite stress axes (σ1, σ2, σ3), the shape factor (R) and the deformation regime index (R’) (Delveaux et al., 1997). Furthermore, it is shown how many fault-slip data (N) the stress tensor calculation is based on and to which deformation phase as explained in the main text the tensor is related to. The remaining abbreviations include: Outcrop number (ID), dip direction (d.d.), Normal Faulting (NF), Transtensive Faulting (NS), Strike-Slip Faulting (SF), Transpressive Faulting (TS) and Thrust Faulting (TF). The stress regime for each data set is characterized by the stress regime index (R’), which provides a numerically continuous progression from 0-3, where 0 represents radial extension and 3 radial compression (Delvaux et al., 1997). R’ is based on the stress ratio (R), defined as (σ2 – σ3)/ (σ1 – σ3) (e.g. Angelier, 1989) such that R’ equals R for extensional stress regimes, equals 2 – R for strike-slip regimes and equals 2 + R for compressional regimes, respectively (Delvaux et al., 1997).
Date made available | 1 Jan 2020 |
Publisher | Unknown Publisher |