Foraminifera, sedimentological parameters and sea surface temperature and salinity calculated on core SO82_5-2

  • Shirley A van Kreveld (Contributor)
  • Michael Sarnthein (Contributor)
  • Helmut Erlenkeuser (Contributor)
  • Pieter Meiert Grootes (Contributor)
  • Simon J A Jung (Contributor)
  • Uwe Pflaumann (Contributor)
  • Antje H.L. Voelker (Contributor)



Abstract: Not Available

Category: geoscientificInformation

Source: Not Available

Supplemental Information: Not Availble

Coverage: EVENT LABEL: SO82_5-2 * LATITUDE: 59.186167 * LONGITUDE: -30.904833 * DATE/TIME: 1992-10-21T00:00:00 * ELEVATION: -1416.0 m * CAMPAIGN: SO82 * BASIS: Sonne * METHOD/DEVICE: Kasten corer
Date made available11 Mar 2000
PublisherUnknown Publisher

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