International Social Survey Programme: Work Orientations III - ISSP 2005

  • Rachel Gibson (Contributor)
  • Jon H. Pammett (Contributor)
  • Bambos Papageorgiou (Contributor)
  • Jiri Vecernik (Contributor)
  • Jorgen Goul Andersen (Contributor)
  • Hans Jorgen Nielsen (Contributor)
  • Ulrik Kjaer (Contributor)
  • Raimo Blom (Contributor)
  • Harri Melin (Contributor)
  • Ann Carton (Contributor)
  • Jaak Billiet (Contributor)
  • Hans Waege (Contributor)
  • Geert Molenberghs (Contributor)
  • Mark Elchardus (Contributor)
  • Michel Forsé (Contributor)
  • Yannick Lemel (Contributor)
  • Peter Ph Mohler (Contributor)
  • Máire Ni Ghiolla Phadraig (Contributor)
  • Noah Lewin-Epstein (Contributor)
  • Aivars Tabuns (Contributor)
  • Philip Gendall (Contributor)
  • Knut Kalgraff Skjåk (Contributor)
  • Haakon Leiulfsrud (Contributor)
  • Anne Ryen (Contributor)
  • Manuel Villaverde Cabral (Contributor)
  • Niko Tos (Contributor)
  • Juan Diez-Nicolás (Contributor)
  • Steven P. Rule (Contributor)
  • Jonas Edlund (Contributor)
  • Dominique Joye (Contributor)
  • Lars Torpe (Contributor)
  • Henrik Lolle (Contributor)
  • Torben Fridberg (Contributor)
  • Marc Swyngedouw (Contributor)
  • Jorge Vala (Contributor)
  • Stefan Svallfors (Contributor)
  • Sang-Wook Kim (Contributor)
  • Tom W. Smith (Contributor)
  • Peter V. Marsden (Contributor)
  • Harry BG Ganzeboom (Contributor)



Attitude to work. Work orientation and description of work contents. Topics: Preferred time budget for selected activities such as work,leisure time etc.; work orientation; importance of selected demands ofa job (scale); preference for being self-employed or being an employeeand working in a small or in a large firm and working in privatebusiness or civil service; advantages of the employee status (greaterjob security and lower impairment of the family life); importance ofunions for job security and working conditions of employee; preferencefor full-time employment or part-time employment; preference for morework (and money) or for reduction in working hours; characterization ofthe respondent´s work and work satisfaction (scale); physicalexhaustion after work; frequency of dangerous and unhealthy jobsituations; possibility of flexible organisation of respondent´sworking time; personal opportunity to influence the organization of theworkday or work process; difficulties in handling personal mattersduring working hours; frequency of the impairment of the family life bythe work requirements and vice versa; usefulness of the abilitieslearned from past work experience for the present job; helpfulness ofthe present work experiences for looking for a new job; job training inpast year to improve job skills; judgement on the relationship betweenmanagement and employees (working atmosphere); description of personalcommitment to work; identification with firm or organization (scale);expected difficulties in finding a job as good as the current one;self-assessment of one´s own substitutability; likeliness of job searchin the coming 12 months; worrying about one´s own job security;accepted concessions to avoid own unemployment (accepting a job withnew demands, accepting of a lower paid position, temporary employmentand longer travel to get to work); existence of a side job;self-assessment of psychological characteristics of personality. Those who are not currently employed were asked: work for more thanone year and time last paid job ended; main reason for the end ofemployment; interest in finding a paid job; expected difficulties infinding a new job; currently looking for a job; activities in thesearch for work; training activities to improve job skills in pastyear; main income source. Demography: sex; age; marital status; living together with a partner;education and duration of education; current employment status;occupation (ISCO88); employment in private or public sector;self-employment or employee; personal employees; time worked each week;superior function and span of control; company size; income; religiousdenomination; religiousness; union member; self-assessment of socialclass; self-assessment on a left-right continuum; party preference;size of household and composition; city size; region; original countryof origin or ethnic group affiliation.
Date made available2013
PublisherGESIS Data Archive
Date of data production1 Feb 2005 - 1 Feb 2007
Geographical coveragePhilippines

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