Raw experimental data for Quantitative Acoustophoresis

  • Vadim Bogatyr (Creator)
  • Andreas S. Biebricher (Creator)
  • Giulia Bergamaschi (Creator)
  • Erwin J. G. Peterman (Creator)
  • Gijs J. L. Wuite (Creator)
  • Vadim Bogatyr (Contributor)



The data set contains raw experimental data used in the publication. In each experiment multiple bioparticles (cells, giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), microparticles) were tracked. Time, X, Y, Z and Voltage recordings were saved in individual files for each of them in .tdms file. Each file contains metadata and the data itself. For browsing the raw data, one can use Excel or similar programs, while for analysis I would advise a special Python np.tdms library: https://nptdms.readthedocs.io/en/stable/. It can be employed to load and parse the data for further exploration, calculations and plotting. I am available by mail if needed
Date made available2022

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