Raw grain size analysis as measured by Coulter counter at Hole 162-983A, size fraction range 10-63 µm

  • Lukas Jonkers (Contributor)
  • Stephen Barker (Contributor)
  • Ian R. Hall (Contributor)
  • Maarten Prins (Contributor)

Dataset / Software


Abstract: Not Available

Category: geoscientificInformation

Source: Not Available

Supplemental Information: µm-values in the parameter comment indicate the lower limit of the size fraction measured.

Coverage: EVENT LABEL: 162-983A * LATITUDE: 60.403300 * LONGITUDE: -23.640600 * DATE/TIME START: 1995-07-21T11:58:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1995-07-22T09:29:00 * ELEVATION: -1983.0 m * Penetration: 254.4 m * Recovery: 264.42 m * LOCATION: North Atlantic Ocean * CAMPAIGN: Leg162 * BASIS: Joides Resolution * METHOD/DEVICE: Drilling/drill rig
Date made available5 Nov 2015
PublisherUnknown Publisher

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