Recommended Best Practices for the Characterization of Storage Properties of Hydrogen Storage Materials

  • Karl Gross (Contributor)

Dataset / Software


These reports, written by H2 Technology Consulting under contract with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, provides an introduction to and overview of the recommended best practices in making measurements of the hydrogen storage properties of materials. Sections 1-5 (published in February 2012), Section 6 (published in February 2013), and Section 7 (published in January 2016). The goal in developing this report was to create a reference guide of common methodologies and protocols for measuring critical performance properties of advanced hydrogen storage materials and to serve as a resource to the hydrogen storage materials development community to aid in clearly communicating the relevant performance properties of new materials as they are discovered and tested.
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Kinetics Measurements
Section 3: Capacity Measurements
Section 4: Thermodynamic Measurements
Section 5: Cycle-Life Measurements
Section 6: Thermal Properties Measurements
Section 7: Mechanical Properties Measurements

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