Replication Data for: Party politics or (supra-)national interest? External relations votes in the European Parliament



All data required to replicate our findings can be found in four excel-files: 1) “Data for replication 1 agreement indexes.xlsx” analyses and compares average Agreement Indexes (AI) across political groups, national delegations and the parliament as a whole. The file contains fourteen sheets (EP1 delegations and whole EP; EP 1 groups, EP 2 delegations and whole EP etc.) with the AI for each roll call vote in the seven European Parliaments. In addition, each vote comes with a code for the main policy area (column C) and, on this basis, is coded as either being on external relations (“1” in column D) or on other issues (“2” in column D). 2) “Data for replication 2 coalitions.xlsx” provides data and analyses on coalitions between the political groups in EP 6 and EP 7. The first two sheets (“EP6 groups plurality position” and “EP 7 group plurality position” provide data on whether the plurality of MEPs of a political group voted “Yes” or “No” or “abstained” on each of the roll call votes in EP 6 and EP 7. 3) “Data for replication 3 issues and regions.xlsx” shows our coding of all external relations votes in EP 6 and EP 7 for issue (sheet “issues”) and region (“sheet regions”). The coding scheme is described in the supplementary materials to be published online. 4) “Data for replication 4 coalitions issues and regions.xlsx” entails data and analyses on coalitions between the political groups across issues and regions. The coding of issues and regions is taken from “data for replication3 issues and regions”. The first sheet “groups plurality position” shows the coding for region and issue and the plurality position for each political group for each foreign and security policy roll call vote in EP 6 and EP 7.
Date made available1 Jan 2020
PublisherUnknown Publisher

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