Stratigraphy from sediment core Golden Island, Shan State, Union of Myanmar

  • Janet Finn (Contributor)
  • Sander van der Kaars (Contributor)
  • Geoffrey S Hope (Contributor)
  • Kyaw Z Moe (Contributor)

Dataset / Software


Abstract: Not Available

Category: geoscientificInformation

Source: Not Available

Supplemental Information: The site is recent fill on the eastern bank of the lake near Myaungyogyi village. The core was excavated with a bucket auger through recent fill. Once the floating island (Chum yo) was penetrated, a D section auger was used to collect the soft lake sediment, commencing approx 150 cm below present water level.

Coverage: EVENT LABEL: (Golden Island) * LATITUDE: 20.518830 * LONGITUDE: 96.924670 * Lake water depth: 1.5 m * LOCATION: Lake Inle, Shan State, Myanmar * METHOD/DEVICE: Auger
Date made available29 Aug 2018
PublisherUnknown Publisher

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