(Table 1) Abundances of H2O+, CO2, K2O, Rb and Sr and the isotope ratios of C, O, Sr and Nd in rocks of altered ocean crust from DSDP Hole 51-417D

  • Hubert Staudigel (Contributor)
  • Gareth R Davies (Contributor)
  • Stanley R Hart (Contributor)
  • K M Marchant (Contributor)
  • Brian M Smith (Contributor)

Dataset / Software


Abstract: Not Available

Category: geoscientificInformation

Source: Not Available

Supplemental Information: Not Availble

Coverage: EVENT LABEL: 51-417D * LATITUDE: 25.111500 * LONGITUDE: -68.046800 * DATE/TIME: 1976-12-02T00:00:00 * ELEVATION: -5482.0 m * Penetration: 532.5 m * Recovery: 202.6 m * LOCATION: North Atlantic/CONT RISE * CAMPAIGN: Leg51 * BASIS: Glomar Challenger * METHOD/DEVICE: Drilling/drill rig
Date made available2 Oct 1995
PublisherUnknown Publisher

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