Abstract: Not Available
Category: geoscientificInformation
Source: Not Available
Supplemental Information: Maximum temperature change between recordings (rapid extreme temperature changes), both increases [+] and decreases [-] in rapid temperature changes were calculated from six hourly temperature recordings from 1st January till 1st May (earliest date of soil surface thaw measured in control plots).
Coverage: EVENT LABEL: (Abisko Scientific Research Station) * LATITUDE: 68.350000 * LONGITUDE: 18.817000 * ELEVATION START: 340.0 m * ELEVATION END: 400.0 m * LOCATION: Abisko, Lappland, northern Sweden
Category: geoscientificInformation
Source: Not Available
Supplemental Information: Maximum temperature change between recordings (rapid extreme temperature changes), both increases [+] and decreases [-] in rapid temperature changes were calculated from six hourly temperature recordings from 1st January till 1st May (earliest date of soil surface thaw measured in control plots).
Coverage: EVENT LABEL: (Abisko Scientific Research Station) * LATITUDE: 68.350000 * LONGITUDE: 18.817000 * ELEVATION START: 340.0 m * ELEVATION END: 400.0 m * LOCATION: Abisko, Lappland, northern Sweden
Date made available | 22 Feb 2012 |
Publisher | Unknown Publisher |