(Table 3) Collembola and acari species composition in soils from Anchorage, Signy and Falkland Islands

  • Stef Bokhorst (Contributor)
  • Ad H. L. Huiskes (Contributor)
  • Peter Convey (Contributor)
  • PM van Bodegom (Contributor)
  • Rien Aerts (Contributor)



Abstract: Not Available

Category: geoscientificInformation

Source: Not Available

Supplemental Information: Differences between OTC and control treatments, in relation to temperature at the soil surface, degree-days, freeze-thaw cycles, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and soil moisture. Analyses were based on the mean of the hourly data for the period December 2004-November 2005.

Coverage: EVENT LABEL: * LATITUDE: -67.600000 * LONGITUDE: -68.200000 * DATE/TIME START: 2003-11-01T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2006-02-28T00:00:00 * ELEVATION: 57.0 m * LOCATION: Marguerite Bay * METHOD/DEVICE: Biology
EVENT LABEL: * LATITUDE: -52.200000 * LONGITUDE: -59.060000 * LOCATION: Falkland Islands * METHOD/DEVICE: Biology
EVENT LABEL: * LATITUDE: -60.710000 * LONGITUDE: -45.630000 * DATE/TIME START: 2003-11-01T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2006-02-28T00:00:00 * LOCATION: Weddell Sea * METHOD/DEVICE: Biology
Date made available20 Feb 2008
PublisherUnknown Publisher

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