Workplace Health Promotion for Female Workers in Low-Paid Jobs during Menopasue and Midlife

  • Marjolein Verburgh (Contributor)
  • Petra Verdonk (Contributor)
  • Monique Brood-Van Zanten (Contributor)
  • Karen Nieuwenhuijsen (Contributor)
  • Y. Appelman (Contributor)



A workplace health promotion intervention-the work-life program (WLP)-has been developed to support female workers during midlife. In an exploratory mixed-methods study, we used questionnaires before and after the intervention in 56 participants. We addressed the following research question: What is the impact of the WLP on the women's health and work functioning? Our quantitative data showed that menopausal symptoms improved significantly after the WLP.
Date made available1 Jan 2021
PublisherUniversiteit van Amsterdam

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