Activities per year
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Aan Tafel: veehouderij - invited lecture
H. Aiking (Speaker)
17 Mar 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Duurzaamheidsaspecten van vlees (Invited lecture)
H. Aiking (Speaker)
16 Dec 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Lid van de Klankbordgroep Duurzaamheid, Voedingscentrum, Den Haag (External organisation)
H. Aiking (Member)
2016Activity: Membership › Academic
Sustainable food production and consumption: Drawing on a dozen different disciplines.
H. Aiking (Speaker)
2 Nov 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Food sustainability and the protein puzzle: Drawing on a dozen different disciplines (Invited keynote lecture)
H. Aiking (Speaker)
1 Dec 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Chemosphere (Journal)
Petra Krystek (Reviewer)
1 Sept 2016 → …Activity: Peer review and Editorial work › Editorial work › Academic
Environmental safety assessment of biomass process streams
C.A.M. van Gestel (Speaker), B. Pieterse (Speaker), D. Giesen (Speaker), R. Vooijs (Speaker), B. Vugt-Lussenburg (Speaker), D. Roelofs (Speaker), E.W.M. Roex (Speaker), E. Swart (Speaker), W. Röling (Speaker), F. Smedes (Speaker), T.E. de Boer (Speaker), M.H. Lamoree (Speaker) & R. de Wildt-Liesveld (Speaker)
8 Mar 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
A novel ZF-Tox-Array to identify toxicity of environmental contaminants and complex mixtures
J.B. Legradi (Speaker)
23 May 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Application of miniaturized cell-based bioassays for high-throughput effect-directed analysis of passive sampler extracts using microfractionation
N. Zwart (Speaker), T. Hamers (Speaker), W. Jonker (Speaker), C.J. Houtman (Speaker), G. Somsens (Speaker), J. de Boer (Speaker), J. Kool (Speaker) & M.H. Lamoree (Speaker)
25 May 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Towards higher throughput in Effect-Directed Analysis: development of integrated platforms for micro-fractionation, suspect screening libraries and non-target analysis
M.H. Lamoree (Speaker)
10 Oct 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Three pieces of the puzzle: advances in fractionation, toxicity testing and mass spectrometry for Effect-Directed Analysis-keynote
M.H. Lamoree (Keynote speaker)
3 Jun 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Advances in fractionation, toxicity testing and mass spectrometry for Effect-Directed Analysis - invited lecture
M.H. Lamoree (Invited speaker)
14 Apr 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Board member section Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of the KNCV/NVT (External organisation)
M.H. Lamoree (Member)
2016Activity: Membership › Academic
De verduurzaming van ons voedsel - Van mondiale problematiek tot nationale oplossingsrichtingen (Invited lecture)
H. Aiking (Speaker)
23 Jun 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Duurzaamheid in de supermarkt - Van mondiale problemen naar nationale oplossingen (Invited lecture)
H. Aiking (Speaker)
17 Mar 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Sustainability and protein provision: Drawing on a dozen different disciplines (Invited keynote lecture)
H. Aiking (Speaker)
26 Oct 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Detection of environmental glucocorticoids and investigation of their effects using zebrafish embryo as a model
MH Lamoree (Examiner)
22 Sept 2016Activity: PhD thesis Examination › PhD thesis examination
Simultaneous determination of chemicals in indoor dust for potential human exposure assessment
L. Lucattini (Speaker), M.H. Lamoree (Speaker), J. de Boer (Speaker), A.M. Ballesteros-Gomez (Speaker), J. Meijer (Speaker) & P.E.G. Leonards (Speaker)
16 Jun 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Effect-Directed Analysis as a tool for the identification of chemicals of emerging concern - invited lecture
M.H. Lamoree (Invited speaker)
8 Jun 2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Non-target and suspect screening for organic substances in indoor dust for human exposure assessment
L. Lucattini (Speaker), A.M. Ballesteros-Gomez (Speaker), S.H. Brandsma (Speaker), M.H. Lamoree (Speaker), J. de Boer (Speaker), L. Småstuen Haug (Speaker), J.A. Padilla Sanchez (Speaker), E.Z. Papadopoulou (Speaker) & P.E.G. Leonards (Speaker)
2016Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Sustainability & Food: Give Peas a Chance? - Invited lecture
H. Aiking (Speaker)
30 Jun 2015Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Nationale wetenschapsquiz 2015
H. Aiking (Participant)
5 Dec 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Expert meeting › Societal
Analytical insights into human risk assessments of noble metal nanomaterials
P.W. Krystek (Speaker)
27 Sept 2015Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Unknown journal (Journal)
J. de Boer (Reviewer)
2015Activity: Peer review and Editorial work › Peer review › Academic
Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for targeted and non-targeted metabolomics - invited lecture
M.H. Lamoree (Invited speaker)
1 Sept 2015Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic