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Leedvermaak als een functie van humor cues en emotionele besmetting
Y.M. Wesseling (Speaker), Jaap Ouwerkerk (Speaker) & Wilco W. Van Dijk (Speaker)
12 Feb 2009Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Streng doch rechtvaardig?: Rechtvaardigheid als determinant van reacties op sancties
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Invited speaker), F. van Harreveld (Invited speaker) & J. van der Pligt (Invited speaker)
30 Oct 2008Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Professional
"Why do we laugh at Idols?": Self-evaluation and schadenfreude following another’s misfortune in the media
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Speaker) & Wilco W. Van Dijk (Speaker)
25 May 2008Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
VU @ Second Life: A report on experiences with the development of a (virual) community of learners (IFIP WG 9.5 International Working Conference on Virtuality and Society: Massive Virual Communities, Germany)
J.F.M. Feldberg (Speaker), A.P.W. Eliëns (Speaker), E.A. Konijn (Speaker) & M.H. Huysman (Speaker)
1 Jul 2008Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Leedvermaak als reactie op het falen van succesvolle personen
Y.M. Wesseling (Speaker), Jaap Ouwerkerk (Speaker) & Wilco W. Van Dijk (Speaker)
11 Dec 2008Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Why we experience schadenfreude when watching "Idols": The self-enhancing properties of another’s misfortune in the media
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Speaker) & Wilco W. Van Dijk (Speaker)
7 Feb 2008Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Relationship Quality and Compulsive Internet use: A Study Among Newlywed Couples.
P. Kerkhof (Speaker) & C. Finkenauer (Speaker)
22 May 2008Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Other’s misfortunes: The sinister satisfaction of schadenfreude and the erasure of emphaty. Symposium at the 15th General Meeting of the European Association for Experimental Social Psychology
Wilco W. Van Dijk (Organiser) & Jaap Ouwerkerk (Organiser)
10 Jun 2008 → 14 Jun 2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Conference › Academic
"Don’t mention the war": Social identification and salience of rivalry as determinants of intergroup schadenfreude
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Speaker) & Wilco W. Van Dijk (Speaker)
13 Jun 2008Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Reconsidering the role of envy in schadenfreude
W. van Dijk (Speaker), J.W. Ouwerkerk (Speaker) & M. Nieweg (Speaker)
26 Jan 2007Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Discourse Processes (Journal)
L. Lagerwerf (Member of editorial board), W.P.M.S. Spooren (Member of editorial board) & L. Degand (Member of editorial board)
2006Activity: Peer review and Editorial work › Editorial work › Academic
Information Design Journal (Journal)
L. Lagerwerf (Member of editorial board), W.P.M.S. Spooren (Member of editorial board) & L. Degand (Member of editorial board)
2005Activity: Peer review and Editorial work › Editorial work › Academic
Reactions to the social death penalty: New directions in theory and research on ostracism, social exclusion and rejection. Symposium at the 14th General Meeting of the European Association for Experimental Social Psychology
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Organiser) & K.D. Williams (Organiser)
19 Jul 2005 → 23 Jul 2005Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Conference › Academic
Bad apples and black sheep: Threat of ostracism as determinant of reactions to deviant behavior of ingroup and outgroup members
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Speaker)
20 Jul 2005Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Uncivil servants: Cyberloafing and other misbehavior in organizations
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Speaker), A. Kalkman (Speaker) & M. Houterman (Speaker)
24 Nov 2005Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Forbidden fruits and forbidden pleasures: Interpersonal and intergroup Schadenfreude following the exclusion of bad apples.
W.W. van Dijk (Speaker), J.W. Ouwerkerk (Speaker), S. Pennekamp (Speaker) & R. Spears (Speaker)
20 Jul 2005Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Waarom lachen we om Idols? De rol van zelfregulatie bij het ervaren van leedvermaak.
M. Nieweg (Speaker), W.W. van Dijk (Speaker) & J.W. Ouwerkerk (Speaker)
8 Dec 2005Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Social exclusion and the evolution of cooperation
M. Gallucci (Speaker), J.W. Ouwerkerk (Speaker) & P.A.M. van Lange (Speaker)
22 Jul 2005Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Avoiding the social death penalty: Threat of ostracism and cooperation in social dilemmas
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Invited speaker), N.L. Kerr (Invited speaker), P.A.M. van Lange (Invited speaker) & M. Gallucci (Invited speaker)
17 Mar 2004Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
APA Style Guidelines (Workshop Kurt Lewin Institute)
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Organiser)
23 Jan 2004Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Workshop › Academic
Interpersonal processes: The power of social exclusion (Workshop Kurt Lewin Institute)
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Organiser)
4 Feb 2004 → 5 Feb 2004Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Workshop › Academic
Rotte appels en zwarte schapen: Angst voor ostracisme, groepslidmaatschap, en sociale identificatie als determinanten van reacties op afwijkend gedrag in sociale dilemma’s
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Invited speaker)
20 Oct 2004Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Social categorization and threat of ostracism as determinants of reactions to deviant behaviour: A story about bad apples and black sheep
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Speaker)
1 Sept 2004Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Colloquium experimentele psychologie: Angst voor ostracisme en prosociaal gedrag in groepen. Een verhaal over rotte appels, toffe peren en het schervengerecht
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Invited speaker)
Feb 2003Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Avoiding the social death penalty: Ostracism and the “bad apple”-effect in a public good dilemma
Jaap Ouwerkerk (Speaker)
25 Apr 2003Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic