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Emerald Literati Outstanding Paper Award
Bastiaansen, Marcel (Recipient), Lub, Xander (Recipient), Mitas, Ondrej (Recipient), Jung, Timothy (Recipient), Passos-Ascencao, Mario (Recipient), Han, Dai-In (Recipient), Moilanen, Teemu (Recipient), Smit, Bert (Recipient) & wim, strijbosch (Recipient), Nov 2020
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Emerald Literati Outstanding Paper Award 2017
Akkermans, Jos (Recipient), 10 Jul 2018
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Entrepreneurship Best Full Paper Award
Berjani, Dillon (Recipient), van Burg, Elco (Recipient) & Verduijn, Karen (Recipient), Sept 2021
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program Grant
Kroon, David (Recipient) & Klein, Janina (Recipient), 2023
Prize / Grant: Grant › Societal
Erasmus+ Grant: Project Entrepreneurship in Renewable Energy, entRENEW
Masurel, Enno (Recipient), 2020
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
European Entrepreneurship Education Award 2023
van Gelderen, Marco (Recipient), 2023
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Excellence in Doctoral Supervision Award 2014
Jansen, Paul (Recipient), 5 Nov 2014
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Excellence in Teaching Award, Social and Organizational Psychology Group, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Oostrom, Janneke (Recipient), 2016
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Exploring the subjective and objective career consequences of a work-family intervention over time
Vinkenburg, Claartje (Recipient), Straub, C. (Recipient) & van Kleef, M. (Recipient), 2012
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Faculty nomination for "De Jonge Akademie" of the KNAW
Oostrom, Janneke (Recipient), 2018
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Faculty Teaching Award, Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Oostrom, Janneke (Recipient), 2017
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Feedback as a risk or an opportunity: How organizational context shapes negative feedback perception.
Mockeviciute, Akvile (Recipient), El Baroudi, Sabrine (Recipient), Gorbatov, Sergey (Recipient) & Khapova, SN (Recipient), 13 Apr 2022
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Finalist for Best Paper in Academy of Management Review 2020
Solinger, Omar (Recipient), 2021
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Finalist for the Grigor McClelland Award 2020
Stephenson, Kathleen (Recipient), 202
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Finalist “Best Dissertation Award” (Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting)
van Bommel, Koen (Recipient), 2015
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Grant awarded for the hosting of PhD and Research workshop on practice theory and entrepreneurship
Thompson, Neil Aaron (Recipient), Stam, A.M.C.E. (Recipient) & Verduijn, Karen (Recipient), 2015
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Grant for the workshop 'Linked Data and Syriac Sources' (Amsterdam, 11-13 March, 2018) -the Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer (ETCBC) [Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam]
Koralija, Srecko (Recipient), 11 Mar 2018
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Highly Cited and Downloaded Paper Award
Akkermans, Jos (Recipient) & Tims, Maria (Recipient), 1 May 2018
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Highly Cited Paper Award
Forrier, Anneleen (Recipient), De Cuyper, Nele (Recipient) & Akkermans, Jos (Recipient), 29 Jan 2020
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Highly Commended Award at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2009 for the following paper: Kooij, T.A.M., De Lange, A.H. de, Jansen, P.G.W., & Dikkers, J.S.E. (2008). Older workers’ motivation to continue to work: five meanings of age. A conceptual review. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23 (No.4), 364-394
Kooij, T.A.M. (Recipient), de Lange, A.H. (Recipient), Jansen, Paul (Recipient) & Dikkers, J.S.E. (Recipient), 2009
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Highly commended Award from Emerald Publishing Group for the paper Khapova, S.N., Arthur, M.B., Wilderom, C.P.M. & Svensson, J.S.: Professional identity as the key to career change intention in Career Development International, 12 (7), 584-595
Khapova, SN (Recipient), 2008
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic