Activities per year
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Universite Paris 6, Jussieu en Borel instituut (External organisation)
P. Groeneboom (Member)
2000Activity: Membership › Academic
Estimating a convex density nonparametrically.
G. Jongbloed (Speaker)
27 Mar 2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Direct Determination of Periodic States in Cyclically Operated Chemical Processes.
T.L. van Noorden (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Computation of periodic states of cyclic systems.
T.L. van Noorden (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Censoring and passive registration
A.W. van der Vaart (Speaker)
25 Apr 2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Integrable Systems and p-adic analysis.
P.H. van der Kamp (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
The next edition of the Queueing Colloquium.
G.J. Franx (Speaker)
29 Nov 2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Almost integrable evolution equations.
P.H. van der Kamp (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Fast Determination of Periodic States in Cyclically Operated Chemical Reactors.
T.L. van Noorden (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Methods for doubly censored data, with application to HIV/AIDS cohort studies.
R. Geskus (Speaker)
1 Dec 2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Estimating a convex density nonparametrically.
G. Jongbloed (Speaker)
26 Jan 2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Methods for estimating the AIDS incubation time distribution when date of seroconversion is censored.
R. Geskus (Speaker)
2 Oct 2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Algorithms from representation theory.
J.A. Sanders (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Classification of Integrable Systems.
J.A. Sanders (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
New developments in classification of integrable systems.
J.A. Sanders (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Trade-offs tussen serviceniveau en productiviteit.
G.M. Koole (Speaker)
23 May 2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Landelijk Werkcontact voor de Geschiedenis en Maat (External organisation)
T. Koetsier (Member)
2000Activity: Membership › Academic
The topology of two point sets.
J. van Mill (Invited speaker)
20 Sept 2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
On sets that intersect every line in exactly n-points.
J. van Mill (Invited speaker)
23 May 2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Inverse spectral problems for canonical systems and the state space method.
M.A. Kaashoek (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Integral Equations and Operator Theory (External organisation)
M.A. Kaashoek (Member)
2000Activity: Membership › Academic
Asymptotic Analysis (External organisation)
M.A. Kaashoek (Member)
2000Activity: Membership › Academic
Perelson determinant limit theorems of Kac-Achiezer type.
M.A. Kaashoek (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Factorization of Matrix Functions and Operator Theory.
M.A. Kaashoek (Speaker)
2000Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic