Activities per year
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Barriers to accessing asylum in Australia
Thomas Spijkerboer (Speaker)
19 Sept 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
The concepts of refugee status and subsidiary protection
Thomas Spijkerboer (Speaker)
8 Jul 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Overlappende identiteiten, migratierecht en het Rassendiscriminatieverdrag
Nawal Mustafa (Speaker) & Thomas Spijkerboer (Speaker)
25 Jan 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Professional
Het gelijke behandelingsrecht in het migratierecht: tussen differentiatie en discriminatie
Bahija Aarrass (Speaker)
24 Jan 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Reaktion des EGMR auf Änderungsdruck seitens Migrantenverbänden und politischen Akteuren [The ECtHR's Response to pressure for change from migrant advocacy groups and political actors]
Janna Wessels (Speaker)
23 May 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Professional
Invited Lecture 'The new EU Reception Conditions Directive: More (conditionality of) welfare for asylum seekers
Lieneke Slingenberg (Invited speaker)
25 Jun 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Waarom de Inter-Amerikaanse en Afrikaanse mensenrechtenjurisprudentie van belang is voor Europees migratiebeleid
Thomas Spijkerboer (Speaker)
30 Sept 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Professional
Response to Ayelet Shachar: Time and Temporality in the Shifting Border
Martijn Stronks (Speaker)
5 Sept 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Тhe case law of the Inter-American and African Commission & Court of Human Rights in the field of refugees and migration
Thomas Spijkerboer (Speaker)
16 Sept 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Professional
Over Klassenbewustzijn
Jeroen Rijnders (Speaker)
19 Nov 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Rechtsbescherming en digitalisering van bestuursrecht, pitch-reactie op VAR-rapport ‘Verbreding van bestuursrechtspraak’
Bahija Aarrass (Speaker)
1 Feb 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
"Reverse strategic litigation by Governments? Negotiating sovereignty and migration control before the European Court of Human Rights"
Janna Wessels (Speaker)
28 May 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
"Humanrightization" in der Migrationsgesellschaft: Das MeDiMi-Projekt ["Humanrightization" in migration societies: The MeDiMi project]
Janna Wessels (Speaker)
11 May 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
MeDiMi: Presentation and discussion of concepts, working methods and preliminary results
Janna Wessels (Speaker)
16 May 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Human rights in the dynamics of migration societies: Interdisciplinary research towards a practice theory of ‘humanrightization’
Janna Wessels (Speaker)
27 May 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Temporalities of Crisis in Migration Law and the Human Right to Time
Martijn Stronks (Speaker)
30 Aug 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Feministische Herausforderungen an das Fluechtlingsrecht - von Majo-Lazano bis heute [Feminist Challenges to Refugee Law - from Majo-Lazano to today]
Janna Wessels (Speaker)
27 May 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
The Concealment Controversy: The 'discretion' requirement in light of recent CJEU jurisprudence on asylum
Janna Wessels (Speaker)
4 Jun 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Law as laboratory: the challenges of bridging the gap between ELS and doctrinal research
Isabella Leroy (Speaker)
28 Mar 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Citizenship Violence, the Afterlives of Colonialism and the Necessity of Slowing down: reflections inspired by Anton de Kom”, lecture for the VWR(The Netherlands Association for Philosophy of Law) Conference on Law and Slavery, Winter Meeting, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10 February 2023.
Guno Jones (Speaker)
10 Feb 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
The creation of migrant camps in the EU as distinct legal spaces
Isabella Leroy (Speaker)
14 Feb 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Amsterdam City Rights: Undocumented Migrant Rights-making and New Political Demography
Jordan Dez (Speaker)
23 Jun 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Presentation 'Asielzoekers en toegang tot werk: verplichtingen op grond van het Vluchtelingenverdrag en het Europees Sociaal Handvest'
Lieneke Slingenberg (Invited speaker)
7 Feb 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Professional
Lecture on the Reception Conditions of Asylum Seekers
Lieneke Slingenberg (Invited speaker)
6 Jul 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Presentation: The Human Right to Time - A Temporal Perspective to Human Dignity
Martijn Stronks (Speaker)
8 Dec 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic