- 19 results
Search results
Greta Albertari
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - PhD Candidate
- Kooijmans Institute - PhD Candidate
- Migration Law - PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
mr. dr. Younous Arbaoui
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - Assistant Professor
- Kooijmans Institute - Assistant Professor
- Migration Law - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Mónica Ávila Currás
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - PhD Candidate
- Migration Law - PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
prof. mr. Hemme Battjes
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - Full Professor
- Kooijmans Institute - Full Professor
- Fundamental Rights, Regulation and Responsible Government - Full Professor
- Migration Law - Full Professor
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Gareth Davies
- Faculty of Law, EU Law - Full Professor
- Kooijmans Institute - Full Professor
- Law & Technology - Full Professor
- Boundaries of Law - Full Professor
- Migration Law - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Nina Fokkink
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - PhD Candidate
- Kooijmans Institute - PhD Candidate
- Migration Law - PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
prof. dr. mr. Betty de Hart
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - Full Professor
- Kooijmans Institute - Full Professor
- Migration Law - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Jessica Klüger
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - PhD Candidate
- Kooijmans Institute - PhD Candidate
- Migration Law - PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
dr. Lisa-Marie Komp, LLM
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - Lecturer
- Kooijmans Institute - Lecturer
- Migration Law - Lecturer
Person: Academic
Irma Lammers
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - PhD Candidate
- Kooijmans Institute - PhD Candidate
- Migration Law - PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
Isabella Leroy
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - PhD Candidate
- Kooijmans Institute - PhD Candidate
- Migration Law - PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
Marijana Matosevic
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - PhD Candidate
- Kooijmans Institute - PhD Candidate
- Migration Law - PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
dr. Jeroen Rijnders
- Faculty of Law, Legal Theory and Legal History - Assistant Professor
- Kooijmans Institute - Assistant Professor
- Migration Law - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
prof. mr. Thomas Spijkerboer
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - Full Professor
- Kooijmans Institute - Full Professor
- Migration Law - Full Professor
Person: Academic
dr. Katja Swider
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - Assistant Professor
- Kooijmans Institute - Assistant Professor
- Migration Law - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
dr. Janna Wessels, MSc
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - Associate Professor
- Kooijmans Institute - Associate Professor
- Migration Law - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
mr. Masja Zweers
- Faculty of Law, Migration Law - Lecturer
- Kooijmans Institute - Lecturer
- Migration Law - Lecturer
Person: Academic