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G.A. van Poelje prijs voor beste proefschrift in de Bestuurskunde in Nederland en Vlaanderen
Heres, Leonie (Recipient), 2015
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Harrison Prize for the best article published in Political Studies in 2008 (with Christine Arnold).
Pennings, P.J.M. (Recipient), 26 Nov 2008
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Inclusive Open Government Data Implementation for Environmental Justice: Enhancing Community Stakeholders’ Voices.
Fusi, Federica (Recipient), Zhang, Fengxiu (Recipient) & Liang, Jiaqi (Recipient), Dec 2008
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Individual Talent Grant - Institute for Societal Resilience, VU Amsterdam
de Graaff, Nana (Recipient), 2018
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Innovative Teaching Prize 2021
Weißmüller, Kristina S. (Recipient) & Kalbermatten, Cyrill (Recipient), 2021
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Institute for Societal Resilience (ISR) research grant for the project 'Surveillance, Security and Society' (S³)
Hoijtink, M. (Recipient), Boersma, K. (Recipient) & van Hardeveld, A. A. (Recipient), 2017
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Karolinska Institutet MMC & EHMA research award
van Duijn, Sarah (Recipient), 7 Jun 2023
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Linking institutional logics and data sharing to research outputs before and after SARS-CoV-2 peak infection
Fusi, Federica (Recipient) & Welch, Eric W. (Recipient), Jun 2020
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
NBN Bachelorscriptieprijs voor scripties over bedrijfsethiek, integriteit en/of maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen
Heres, Leonie (Recipient), 2007
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) - Research Talent (Onderzoekstalent, € 250k). Title proposal: ‘Continuously Campaigning for Volatile Voters? How policy positions and leadership images affect citizens’ vote intentions before and during election campaigns, the Netherlands 2006-2012’. Together with Tom van der Meer, Wouter van der Brug and Rens Vliegenthart (University of Amsterdam).
Aaldering, Loes (Recipient), 2013
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Nominatie Anil Ramdas Essayprijsvraag
Çankaya, Sinan (Recipient), 2017
Prize / Grant: Prize › Societal
Nominatie European Press Prize 2017, The Commentator Award
Çankaya, Sinan (Recipient), 2017
Prize / Grant: Prize › Societal
NWO Talent Programme - Veni scheme 2023
Weißmüller, Kristina S. (Recipient), 17 Jul 2024
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
NWO VENI-grant for the project 'Deadly Design: The Politics of Engineering Lethal Autonomous Weapons'
Hoijtink, M. (Recipient), 2018
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Österreichische Nationalbank (ÖNB) (€ 125k). Title proposal: ‚Immersive Journalism: The Future of News?’. Together with Sophie Lecheler (University of Vienna).
Aaldering, Loes (Recipient), 2019
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Paul Benneworth PhD Student Award
Liu, Imogen T. (Recipient), 17 Jul 2023
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Researchfellowship Department of Political Science and Public Administration
van Wijk, Eelco (Recipient), 16 Jan 2015
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Research Grant (by Humboldt University of Berlin)
Aydin Cakir, A. (Recipient), 2018
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Research Prize of the Faculty of Social Sciences VU
de Graaf, Gjalt (Recipient), 2008
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic