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Verbrugge, AM (Recipient), van Baardewijk, Jelle (Recipient) & Buijs, GJ (Recipient), 30 Mar 2019
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Stein Rokkan Memorial Lecture: “Rokkan on Regional Governance: The Effect of Community
Marks, G.W. (Recipient) & Hooghe, L. (Recipient), 23 Sept 2016
Prize / Grant: Prize › Societal
Veni grant (250K): Seeing the bigger picture. The consequences of (non)verbal gender stereotyping in politicians' media coverage for news processing and political attitudes
Aaldering, Loes (Recipient), 30 Nov 2023
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
VENI grant (Innovational Research Incentive Scheme) for the project Politics of Risk-Taking: What Drives Governments' Decision-Making in Welfare State Reform?
Vis, Barbara (Recipient), 2008
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
VIDI grant (Innovational Research Incentive Scheme) for the project HIGH-RISK POLITICS: Explaining and improving political actors' decision-making on electorally risky issues
Vis, Barbara (Recipient), 2011
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Wellbeing in the Digital Era: A Socio-technical Approach to Examine the Impact of Technology Use in Local Governments and Communities.
Fusi, Federica (Recipient) & Camarena, Leonor (Recipient), Jan 2022
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
Wilhelmina Drucker Early Career Award
Hoijtink, Marijn (Recipient), 8 Mar 2017
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic