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Camilla is a PhD-candidate with the Athena Institute at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She holds a BA in International Business and a MA in Marketing Analytics & Data Science from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and a MA in Global Business & Sustainability Erasmus University Rotterdam. In her research project she focuses on the meaningful integration of societal actors in food system transitions. Specifically, the dissertation focuses on highlighting actors at the intersection of production and consumption (i.e., allotment gardeners) and explicating latent perceptions and assumptions held by actors in the value chain that can direct food system transition projects. With this, the research aims to contribute to food system transformation through focussing on the relevant integration of people, in their role as consumers, in food transition efforts by applying a systemic perspective.

Broader interests include: Sustainable and cultural development, behaviour, system's thinking, sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation, prosumption