Craig Leisher

Craig Leisher

  • Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM)

Personal profile

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Craig is a PhD Candidate in Environmental Economics at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Craig Leisher is the Portfolio Director for The Nature Conservancy’s Africa Region, where he leads the annual Portfolio Review process, the bi-annual strategy reviews, and the tri-annul programme reviews. He has done fieldwork in 20+ countries on 5 continents. He started his career in Latin America and the former Soviet Union with the World Bank, worked in Vietnam for six years with UNDP and WWF International, and was TNC’s Senior Policy Advisor for China and Indonesia for three years while based in Australia. He was a paid environmental blogger for the New York Times for three years and discovered a new species of blind cave fish in Vietnam. He holds an MA in International Relations from the American University and a BA in History from the University of New Mexico.


Craig is an expert on the links between gender and community-based natural resources management. He is also an expert in household surveys, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews in the Global South.

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