6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Elaina Galvin with the persons below:
dr. Andrea Baldi
- Faculty of Science, Photo Conversion Materials - Associate Professor
- LaserLaB - Energy - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
dr. Chase Broedersz
- Faculty of Science, Physics of Living Systems - Associate Professor
- LaserLaB - Energy - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Anna Calabritto
- Faculty of Science, Biophysics Photosynthesis/Energy - PhD Candidate
- LaserLaB - Energy - PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
Sarah Lander
- Faculty of Science, Biophysics Photosynthesis/Energy - PhD Candidate
- Faculty of Science, Photo Conversion Materials - PhD Candidate
- LaserLaB - Energy - PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
dr. Hamed Nikbakht
- Faculty of Science, Biophysics Photosynthesis/Energy - Visiting Fellow
- LaserLaB - Biophotonics and Microscopy - Visiting Fellow
Person: Academic
dr. Joris Snellenburg, MSc
- Faculty of Science, Biophysics Photosynthesis/Energy - Visiting Fellow
- LaserLaB - Energy - Visiting Fellow
Person: Academic