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Jan Henric van Vliet is a PhD candidate and lecturer at the department of Criminal Law and Criminology. In 2022, he graduated (cum laude) in Criminal Law and Criminology (LL.M.) from Leiden University. Besides, he holds a degree in Language and Culture Studies (BA) from Utrecht University. During his LL.M. program, Jan Henric worked as an intern at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. As of January 2023, he started with a PhD project on the role of legal interests (Rechtsgüter) in Dutch and European Criminal Law.   


As a teacher, Jan Henric is involved in several courses offered by the department of Criminal Law and Criminology, such as: Substantive Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Introduction to Criminal Law, Human Rights Protection in Europe and International and European Criminal Law.  Moreover, Jan Henric is supervising both bachelor and master theses.

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