dr. Jasper van der Kemp

Personal profile

Ancillary activities

  • Hogeschool van Amsterdam | Amsterdam | Project Coordinator | 2012-01-01 - present
  • Politieacademie | Apeldoorn | Lid Kenniskring Intelligence-Lectoraat Intelligence | 2013-12-02 - present
  • International Academy of Investigative Psychology | n.v.t. | Committee member | 2013-12-02 - present
  • Stichting Toegepast Criminologisch Onderzoek | Amsterdam | Bestuurslid | 2013-12-02 - present
  • Politiekorps Hollands-MIdden | Leiderdorp | Lid Klankbordgroep Project Front Office-Back Office | 2013-12-02 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

Personal information

A psychologist by training, I became assistant professor at the department of Criminal Law & Criminology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in January 2006 after doing research at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcements’(NSCR) research group on ‘Mobility and Distribution of Crime’ for five years.

My PhD research extented from analysing individual offenders’ movements (their journeys-to-crime and mental maps), location choice to the geographical patterns of crime in the criminal careers of offenders. The main focus of his work addresses issues relating to geographical offender profiling and the investigative focus on the modus via.
This focus extends to my work on serial offenders. I am a founding member of the Crime Linkage International Network (C-Link www.crimelinkage.org).
I coordinate and am part of Project Gerede Twijfel & Cold Cases (Project Reasonable Doubt & Cold Cases @ https://allp.nl/nl/projectgeredetwijfel/) studying potential wrongful convictions and cold cases.

Member of the Amsterdam Laboratory for Legal Psychology (ALLP).



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