Jeroen Kasteren, van

Jeroen van Kasteren-van den Elst, MSc


Personal profile

Personal information

As a Junior Teacher, I teach and assist in multiple courses of the Bachelor and Master Business Analytics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Additionally, my Ph.D. research aims at the interface of Queueing Theory and Reinforcement Learning. The research is motivated by Health Care related (capacity) problems.

I graduated cum laude from the Bachelor and Master Business Analytics, including the minor Business Analytics, at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. During my study, I established a broad mathematical and statistical base with plenty of knowledge of computer science and consultancy experience. I have implemented multiple machine learning and deep learning models, next to multiple models regarding capacity planning.

Ancillary activities

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Academic qualification

Business Analytics, Master, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

1 Sept 201630 Nov 2018

Award Date: 30 Nov 2018

Business Analytics, Bachelor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

1 Sept 201330 Aug 2016

Award Date: 31 Aug 2016