12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of dr. Ko Rootlieb-van Huissteden with the persons below:
dr. ir. Ype van der Velde
- Faculty of Science, Earth and Climate - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
dr. Alexander Jack Verney Buzacott
- Faculty of Science, Earth and Climate - Visiting Fellow
Person: Academic
Richard van Logtestijn
- Faculty of Science, Systems Ecology - Education/Research Assistant
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Rien Aerts
- Faculty of Science, Systems Ecology - Professor Emeritus
- Amsterdam Sustainability Institute - Professor Emeritus
Person: Academic
ir. Corine van Huissteden, MSc
- Faculty of Science, Earth and Climate - Visiting Fellow
Person: Academic
dr. ir. Maria Margaretha Hefting
- Faculty of Science, Systems Ecology - Associate Professor
Person: Academic