Personal profile

Personal information

I am a PhD candidate within the Growing Up Together in Society (GUTS) consortium at the Vrije Universiteit (WP1). My research focuses on understanding how social and individual factors influence decision-making processes in adolescents. To investigate these processes, I use an experimental task where choices involve rewards for oneself and other individuals, coupled with functional brain imaging (fMRI) to analyse behaviour and brain activity patterns.

During my research master’s in Psychology, I specialised in brain & cognition and clinical psychology. This academic background has fuelled my interest in exploring the neural underpinnings of behaviours, particularly through fMRI studies.

In addition to my research, I am a teaching assistant for the NeuroImaging course in the master’s program in Klinische Neuropsychologie.

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User created Keywords

  • fMRI
  • Social giving
  • Delay discounting
  • Brain function
  • Functional connectivity
  • Adolescence
  • Social Cognitive Neuroscience