prof. dr. Nico van Straalen
- Faculty of Science, Ecology & Evolution - Visiting Professor
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Pim Cuijpers
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Clinical Psychology - Professor Emeritus
- APH - Global Health - Professor Emeritus
- APH - Mental Health - Professor Emeritus
- World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Eva Poolman
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Prevention and Rehabilitation - External PhD Candidate
- AMS - Musculoskeletal Health - External PhD Candidate
- APH - Mental Health - External PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Wendy Scholten-Peeters
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Prevention and Rehabilitation - Full Professor
- AMS - Musculoskeletal Health - Full Professor
- AMS - Rehabilitation & Development - Full Professor
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Michel Coppieters
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Prevention and Rehabilitation - Full Professor
- AMS - Musculoskeletal Health - Full Professor
- AMS - Rehabilitation & Development - Full Professor
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Raymond Ostelo
- Faculty of Science, Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment - Full Professor
- AMS - Musculoskeletal Health - Full Professor
Person: Academic
dr. Eric van der Hijden
- School of Business and Economics, Ethics, Governance and Society - Research Associate
Person: Academic
prof. dr. ir. Kees van Gestel
- Faculty of Science, Ecology & Evolution - Professor Emeritus
Person: Academic
dr. Leonore de Wit
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Clinical Psychology - Associate Professor
- APH - Mental Health - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Lisette Krot-Bijker, MSc
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Prevention and Rehabilitation - External PhD Candidate
- AMS - Rehabilitation & Development - External PhD Candidate
- APH - Mental Health - External PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
dr. Hanneke van Dongen
- Faculty of Science, Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment - Associate Professor
- AMS - Musculoskeletal Health - Associate Professor
- APH - Methodology - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Annelies Pool-Goudzwaard
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Prevention and Rehabilitation - Endowed Professor
- AMS - Musculoskeletal Health - Endowed Professor
Person: Academic
dr. France Rose Marie Portrait
- School of Business and Economics, Ethics, Governance and Society - Associate Professor
- APH - Quality of Care - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Lobke De la Ruelle
- Faculty of Science, Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment - Research Associate
- AMS - Musculoskeletal Health - Research Associate, Visiting Fellow
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Maurits van Tulder
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences - Full Professor
- AMS - Musculoskeletal Health - Full Professor
- APH - Methodology - Full Professor
- APH - Societal Participation & Health - Full Professor
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Eirini Karyotaki, MSc
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Clinical Psychology - Visiting Fellow
- APH - Mental Health - Visiting Fellow
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Sidney Rubinstein
- Faculty of Science, Health Sciences - Endowed Professor
- AMS - Musculoskeletal Health - Endowed Professor
- APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases - Endowed Professor
- APH - Methodology - Endowed Professor
Person: Academic
dr. Sascha Struijs
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Clinical Psychology - Assistant Professor
- APH - Mental Health - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Vera de Weerdt, MSc BA
- School of Business and Economics, Ethics, Governance and Society - PhD Candidate
Person: Academic
Marketa Ciharova
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Clinical Psychology - Research Associate
- APH - Digital Health - Research Associate
- APH - Mental Health - Research Associate
Person: Academic
prof. dr. Ardine de Wit
- Faculty of Science, Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment - Endowed Professor
- APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases - Endowed Professor
- APH - Methodology - Endowed Professor
Person: Academic
P.E. Hunziker
-: External person
H.M. Abdel-Lateif
-: External person
L. Vorstermans
-: External person
P.J. Hensbergen
-: External person
J.E. Kammenga
-: External person
D. Roelofs
-: External person
Edwin Geleijn
- VU University Medical Center
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- University of Amsterdam
-: External person
B.M. Bayoumi
-: External person
Ilham Ettahiri
-: External person
Elske Salemink
- Department of Developmental Psychology
- University of Amsterdam
- Developmental Psychology
- Utrecht University
-: External person
M.N.M. van Poppel
- VU University Medical Center
- Inst. V. Extramuraal Geneeskundig O.
- University of California
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
-: External person
Petra P M Hurks
- Department of Neuropsychology & Psychopharmacology
- Maastricht University
- Radboud University Medical Center
- Radboud University Nijmegen
-: External person
Julia Ratter
-: External person
S.P.J. Kremers
-: External person
P. Zidar
-: External person
H.-R. Kohler
-: External person
J. Strus
-: External person
Suzanne Hermine Wiertsema
-: External person
A B van der Kolk
-: External person
J.M. Weeks
-: External person
V. Simonsen
-: External person
A.D. Pokarzhevskii
-: External person
Vincent de Groot
- Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine
- VU University Medical Center
- Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
- VU University Medical Center
- Amsterdam UMC
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
-: External person
K. Broekhuizen
-: External person
Robin Mulder
-: External person
M.A. Khalil
-: External person
Julia Kee
-: External person
Frank W. Bloemers
- Department of Surgery
- VU University Medical Center
- Department for Trauma Surgery
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- VU University Medical Center
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
-: External person
Machteld A Ouwens
- GGZ Breburg
- Persona Cura
- Department of Personality and Behavioral Disorders in the Elderly
- Tilburg University
-: External person
D. Drobne
-: External person
R. Dallinger
-: External person
L Zuidema
-: External person
Anne Grootjes
-: External person
L. Dirksen
-: External person
W. van Mechelen
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
- Department of Public and Occupational Health and Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute
- VU University Medical Center
-: External person
Ismail Ismail
-: External person
M Y Bongers
-: External person
G.H.C.W. Althuizen
-: External person
Philip Spinhoven
- Institute of Psychology
- Leiden University
- Department of Psychiatry
- Leiden University Medical Center - LUMC
-: External person
R. Triebskorn
-: External person