- Professor of Philosophy of Language and Cognition
- Dean of the faculty of Humanities VU University Amsterdam
Areas of Specialization
History of analytical philosophy, History of the cognitive sciences, Philosophy of Language
Areas of Competence
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Art, Aesthetics
Academic Positions
- University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Philosophy, Teaching assistant, 1977-1980
- University of Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy, Assistant professor of philosophy (0.5fte), 1981-1987
- HBO Jeugdwelzijnswerk Den Haag, Teacher of Philosophy (0.5fte), 1981-1987
- University of Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy, Assistant professor philosophy (0.8fte) , 1987-1999
- University of Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy, Professor of philosophy 1999-
- VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Arts, Professor of philosophy of language, 2012-
Administrative Functions
- Member Faculty Board, 1984-85, 1995-97
- Chair department history of philosophy, 1999-2010
- Dean Faculty of Philosophy, 2000-2003
2nd term 2003-2006
3d term 2006-2010
4th term 2010-2014 - Prorector RUG 2008-2012
- Director of education 2000-2010
- Director of graduate school of philosophy 2006-2010
- Chair of the RUG committee Algemeen Vormende Vakken, 2005-2010
- Chair of the RUG committee Major-Minor, 2006-2010
- Member of the Reorganization Committee University Library, 2009-2010
- Chair ‘projectgroep onderwijsruimtebeleid RUG’, 2010-
- Chair of the Mutual Consultation Group for Philosophy of the VSNU, 2003-2010
- VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Arts, Dean, 2012-
- Chair of the ‘Vlaams-Nederlandse Filosofiedag’, 1995
- Chair of the Lustrum Committee for the celebration of the 395th Anniversary of the University of Groningen, ‘Arts meet Science’, 2007-2009
- Popper, Otto Selz and the Rise of Evolutionary Epistemology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Paperback Edition.
- Popper, Otto Selz and the Rise of Evolutionary Epistemology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. ISBN 0-521-83074-5, 264pp.
- Beyond the Inner and the Outer: Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Psychology. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.
- Innerlijk en Uiterlijk. Een studie van Wittgenstein’s nalatenschap van psychologische begrippen. Academisch Proefschrift Amsterdam, februari 1989.
Journals and Chapters - International
In press
- Wittgenstein on perception and the Necker cube, Australian Journal of Philosophy. 2012
- Synaesthesia and Metaphor, Theoria et Historia Scientiarum 2012
- Wittgenstein on the experience of meaning and secondary use. In: Marie McGinn and Oskari Kuusela (eds.) The Oxford Handbook to Wittgenstein. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011, pp. 497-518.
- The philosophical relevance of Wittgenstein’s discussion of the experience of meaning. In: Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science, and the Arts. Contributions of the Aus- trian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, edited by E. Nemeth, R. Heinrich and W. Pichler. Kirchberg am Wechsel 2010, pp. 119-122. ISSN 1022-3398.
- Karl Popper: philosophy or psychology of science. Metascience 20 (2010), 6pp. Experience of Meaning, Secondary Use and Aesthetics. Philosophical Investigations 33 (2010): 142-158.
- The Psychology of Thinking before the Cognitive Revolution: Otto Selz on Problems, Schemas and Creativity. History of Psychology 13 (2010): 142-158.
- Coloured Vowels: Wittgenstein on Synaesthesia and Secondary Meaning. Philosophia 37 (2009): 589-605.
- Popper’s Theory of the Searchlight: a historical assessment of its significance. In Rethinking Popper, edited by Z. Parusnikova and R. S. Cohen, Boston Studies in the Phi- losophy of Science, Springer, 2009, pp. 175-185.
- Wittgenstein, the secondary use of words and child psychology. In Wittgenstein’s Enduring Arguments, edited by E. Zamuner and D.K. Levy, Routledge: London and New York, 2008, pp. 87-107.
- ‘Tennis without a Ball’: Wittgenstein on Secondary Sense. In Perspicuous Representa- tions: Essays on Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Psychology. Palgrave McMillan, 2007, pp. 258-278.
- Popper, Otto Selz and Meinong’s Gegenstandstheorie. Archiv fur die Geschichte der Philosophie 89 (2007): 60-78.
- Wittgenstein, Pretend Play and the Transferred Use of Language. Journal of the Theory of Social Behaviour 36 (2006): 299-319.
- Unexpected Precursors of Popper’s World Three. In Gibt es sicheres Wissen? edited by M. Rahnfeld, Leipziger Universitaetsverlag, 2006, pp. 60-74.
- The Historical Roots of Popper’s Theory of the Searchlight: a Tribute to Otto Selz. In: Karl Popper: a Centenary Assessment. Volume 1, Life and Times and Values in a World of Facts. Ashgate, 2006, pp. 37-57.
- Patterns of Life: a Third Wittgenstein Concept. In The Third Wittgenstein: the Post- Investigations Works, edited by Daniele Moyal-Sharrock. Ashgate, 2004, pp. 125-144.
- The Psychology of Thinking, Animal Psychology, and the Young Karl Popper, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 40 (2004): 375-393.
- Searching for the Searchlight Theory: From Popper to Otto Selz, Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (2003): 465-487.
- Between Autobiography and Reality: Popper’s Inductive Years, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 33 (2002): 79-103.
- The Inner and the Outer. In Reading Wittgenstein, edited by H-J Glock, Oxford: Blackwell, 2001.
- Wittgenstein and Dennett on Patterns. In Wittgenstein and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind, edited by S. Schroeder. Palgrave, 2001, pp. 85-104.
- Uncertainty, Vagueness and Psychological Indeterminacy. Synthese 124 (2000): 193-220.
- Critical Notice of P.M.S. Hacker, ‘Wittgenstein, Mind and Will’, Ratio 1999, XII, 99, no 1, 103-111.
- Visual and psychological indeterminacy: a critique of physicalism. In The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy, edited by P. Weingartner, G. Dorn, G. Schurz. Kirchberg Am Wechsel, 1997, pp. 397-384.
- Connectionism, Behaviourism and the Language of Thought. In Cognitive Patterns in Science and Common Sense, edited by T.A.F. Kuipers en A.R. Mackor, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995, pp. 393-413.
- Wittgenstein und Russell über Psychologie und Fremdpsychisches. In Wittgenstein über die Seele, edited by Eike von Savigny und Oliver R. Scholz. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1995, pp. 84-107.
- Wittgenstein, Memory traces and Gestaltpsychology. Philosophical Investigations 18 (1995): 113-139. (cited by P.M.S. Hacker 1996; discussed by J. Klagge, Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (1999)).
- Cognitive Science, Propositional Attitudes and the Debate between Russell and Wittgenstein. In Analyomen: Proceedings of the 1st Conference Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy, edited by G. Meggle & U. Wessels, Berlin - New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1994, pp. 612-617.
- From Behaviorism to the Rediscovery of the Mind. In Die britische Tradition in der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhundert, edited by J.Hintikka and K.Puhl, Die Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, 1994, pp. 201-207.
- Wittgenstein and Russell on Psychology and Other Minds. Wittgenstein Studies, 2/94, file: 07-2-94, 1994. ISBN 3-211-82655-6. ISSN 0943-5727.
- Problems and Psychologism: Popper as the Heir to Otto Selz. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 24 (1993): 197-203.
- The Psychological Roots of Folk Psychology. In Philosophie und die kognitiven Wissenschaften, Die Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft,1993, pp. 197-203.
- The Development of Wittgenstein's Views about the Other Minds Problem’. In Wittgenstein in Florida, edited by J.Hintikka, Philosophical Studies Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1991.
- The Development of Wittgenstein’s Views about the Other Minds Problem. Synthese 87 (1991): 227-253.
- Wittgenstein’s Metaphysics of the Inner and the Outer. Revista de Philosophia 2 (1990): 139-150.
- The Eye and the Ego. In Wittgenstein - Towards a Re-evaluation, Verlag Hölder-Pichler- Tempsky, Wien 1990, pp. 89-92.
- Mind as Expression. In Philosophy of Mind, Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Vienna 1985, pp. 391-394.
Dutch publications
- Wetenschapsfilosofie: Karl Popper. In: Eigentijdse Filosofie. Instituut voor Filosofie, NRCacademie, pp. 15-23, 2011.
- Vijftig jaar ‘Philosophy of Mind’. Wijsgerig Perspectief 41 (2001): 5-17.
- Wittgenstein. In Filosofen van deze Tijd, edited by H.Pott en M. Doorman, Bert Bakker, 2000, pp. 34-48.
- Kunnen Mensen Denken? Honderd jaar onderzoek naar taal en cognitie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie 55 (2000): 282-287.(herdruk en bewerking van de oratie).
- Honderd jaar mechanisering van leren en inzicht. Psychologie en Maatschappij 24 (2000): 63-73. (herdruk en bewerking van de oratie).
- Darwin, emoties en cultuur. Psychologie en Maatschappij 86 (1999): 57-69.
- Kunnen Mensen Denken? Honderd jaar onderzoek naar taal en cognitie. Oratie, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2000, 36pp.
- De Bestorming van het Brein. NVKI-Nieuwsbrief 11 (1994): 52-55.
- Geest, Brein en Cognitie. In Breinmakers & Breinmakers. Inleiding Cognitiewetenschap, edited by P. Hendriks, P. Taatgen, N. Andringa. Addison-Wesley Longman, 1997, pp. 365-384.
- Poppers Psychologisme. Psychologie en Maatschappij 16 (1992): 353-368.
- Het Spook van de Machine in de Machine. Crisis van de Rede: Perspectieven op Cultuur, edited by E. Heijerman & P. Wouters, Assen: van Gorcum,1992: 85-94.
- Inleiding in de Filosofie. Hedendaagse Filosofie, Wittgenstein. Inleiding in de Filosofie: het Goede, het Ware, het Schone. Heerlen: Open Universiteit, 1994, pp. 75-136.
- Review of P.J.van Strien & J.F.H. van Rappard (eds.), Grondvragen van de Psychologie. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 83 (1991): 229-231.
- Heuristisch creativiteit bij Wittgenstein. De Psycholoog 7 (1990): 320. De voorstelling van “voorstellingen”. In W. Callebaut & P. Mostert (eds.), Congresbundel
- Filosofiedag Maastricht 1988, Filosofische Reeks, Delft 1988, pp. 92-98. ‘Wittgenstein en Köhler’. In H. Philipse & C. van Eck, Praesidium Libertatis, 1985, Filosofische Reeks 13, 1985, pp. 161-168.
Popular publications
- Voorwoord bij Edward Graig, De kortste introductie Filosofie. Uitgeverij het Spectrum, 2002
- Kunnen computers in 2000 denken? Filosofische Notities, Kunst en Wetenschap, 9 (2000), p. 18.
- Taalpelen, communicatie en misverstand. In Praktische Filosofie, edited by E. Heyer- mans en P. Wouters, Teleac/NOT, Utrecht, 1997, pp. 145-150.
- Don’th think, but look. De Kleur van de Huid, edited by E. Meijer en E. Kok, Heemstede: Het Oude Slot, 1996, pp. 12-16.Contribution to the series Practical Philosophy, Teleac/ NOT 1997.
- De parallellie van lichaam en geest. Bij de 350ste geboortedag van Spinoza. NRC Handelsblad, Cultureel Supplement, 3-12-1982, p. 7.
- Wittgenstein en de latente nonsens in de psychologie. NRC Handelsblad, Wetenschap en Onderwijs Bijlage, 24-11-1983, p. 2.
- Vaak niet in staat de mens in de mens te herkennen. Volkskrant, Kunstbijlage, 27-4- 1984, p. 3.
- Alleen de facade bestaat. Bij de 300ste geboortedag van Berkeley. NRC Handelsblad, Cultureel Supplement, 15-3-1985, p. 5
- De analytici geanalyseerd. Een nieuwe geschiedenis van de filosofie. Over Wedberg, A History of Philosophy. NRC Handelsblad, Wetenschap en Onderwijs Bijlage, 15-8-1985, p. 4.
- Is het Geest Brein Probleem oplosbaar? Neuropraxis 1 (1997): 54-64.
- Helder en toch bijziend. Alfred Ayer over Wittgenstein. NRC Handelsblad, Cultureel Supplement, 20-9-1985, p. 10.
- Nee, er is geen nijlpaard in de zaal. Volkskrant, Kunst en Cultuur Bijlage, 23-12-1988, p. 7.
Courses Faculty of Philosophy
- Introduction to Philosophy
- Philosophy of Art; Epistemology; Philosophy of Language; Wittgenstein
- History of philosophy (18th century)
- History of philosophy (20th century)
- various research master courses and tutorials
- Algemeen vormende Vakken/Minor: Kopstukken van de filosofie
Faculty of Gedrag- en Maatschappijwetenschappen
- Philosophy of Psychology; Courses in foundations of psychology; Philosophy and AI.
- Courses for research school of BCN
Faculty of Arts, (Kunst, Cultuur en Media)
Ph.D Supervision
- Esther Stiekema, On the Possible Cooperation between Symbolism and Connectionism in Cognitive Science, 2002 (2nd Promotor, prof. dr. T.A.F. Kuipers)
- Casper Zijlstra, Descartes, 2005 (together with prof. dr. D. Paetzold)
- Martine Prange, Nietzsche, 2007 (together with prof. dr. D. Paetzold)
- Charlotte Vrijen, Gilbert Ryle, 2007 (together with 1th promotot prof. dr. L. Nauta)
- Kim van Gennip, Wittgenstein’s On Certainty, 2009 (together with prof. dr. L. Nauta)
- Johan Blok (Bolzano)
- Nikki Haussen (Wittgenstein)
No ancillary activities
Ancillary activities are updated daily