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Thinking about drinking. Water consciousness and Blue Diversity in the history of the Republic
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
24 Oct 2024Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
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Duurzaam zoet stadswater in de Republiek (1500-1800)?
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
28 Sept 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Rabbits beyond borders. A social-ecohistory of small grazers in the Dutch sand dunes 1400-1700
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
17 Feb 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Geschiedenis van de waterschappen 1000-1900 (1970)
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Professional
Sustainable urban water in the Dutch Republic? Micro drinking water infrastructures and daily practices
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
14 Sept 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Duurzaam zoet stadswater in de Republiek (1500-1800)?
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
12 Dec 2023Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Professional
Measuring Nature: the History of Defining a Zero, 1400-2000
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
31 Aug 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
200 jaar NAP. Van Amsterdams peil naar Europees Referentievlak
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
16 Mar 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Popular
200 jaar NAP. Van Amsterdams peil naar Europees Referentievlak
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
10 Apr 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Popular
The Amphibious Culture of the Netherlands. Applying Daily Practices as Coping Mechanisms during Disastrous Floods
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
2 Sept 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Omgaan met droogte. Een milieuhistorische benadering van drinkwatertekort en aanpassing aan klimaatverandering in Nederland, 1550-1850: voorstelling van een onderzoeksproject.
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker) & Milja van Tielhof (Speaker)
28 Nov 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Omgaan met droogte. Een milieuhistorische benadering van drinkwatertekort en aanpassing aan klimaatverandering in Nederland, 1550-1850: voorstelling van een onderzoeksproject.
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
6 Dec 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Omgaan met watersnood in het verleden
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
9 Apr 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Popular
Amphibious Cultures along rivers: coping with floods in the organic period
Petra J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
23 May 2019Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Amphibious Cultures. Adaptations to Living in Wetlands along the Rhine (Netherlands) and the Red River (Vietnam)
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
10 Jul 2014Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Zwemmende konijnen. De geschiedenis van de konijnenfok, veranderingen in de waterhuishouding en het landgebruik in de Hollandse duinen 1400-1800
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
16 May 2013Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
The missing eels. Een archeologische en historische studie van paling in het Nederlandse milieu 1500-1800
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
5 Nov 2013Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Amphibious elements in Dutch water culture: Dealing with floods, 1200-1800
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
18 Jan 2013Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Nederland polderland: beeld van Nederland in de wereld
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
5 Nov 2013Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
De amfibische cultuur: een visie op watersnoodrampen
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Invited speaker)
17 Jul 2013Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
De amfibische cultuur
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
7 May 2013Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Amphibious cultures coping with floods: The Rhine and the Tonkin delta’s
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Invited speaker)
20 Jun 2011Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Dealing with floods in the Netherlands: the late medieval period
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
25 Jan 2011Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
Creating energy landscapes: peat mining in Holland
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
29 Jun 2011Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic
The storm of 1953 in the Netherlands
P.J.E.M. van Dam (Speaker)
22 Jul 2010Activity: Lecture / Presentation › Academic