6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of prof. dr. Roel van Steensel with the persons below:
dr. Ineke Nagel
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology - Assistant Professor
- Social Inequality and the Life Course (SILC) - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
dr. Katja Tereshko
- Faculty of Humanities, Language, Literature and Communication - Research Associate
- Network Institute - Research Associate
Person: Academic
dr. Camille Welie, MA MSc.
- Faculty of Humanities, Language - Assistant Professor
- Network Institute - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
dr. Marjolein Dobber
- Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Educational Sciences - Associate Professor
- LEARN! - Learning sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
dr. Michiel Verver
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Organization Sciences - Assistant Professor
- Amsterdam Sustainability Institute - Assistant Professor
- Network Institute - Assistant Professor
- Organization & Processes of Organizing in Society (OPOS) - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic