Personal profile

Ancillary activities

  • Auteursrecht (Tijdschift) | Amsterdam | Redacteur | 2014-11-01 - present
  • Vaste Commissie Plagiaat | Hoofddorp | Vice-voorzitter | 2017-01-01 - present
  • Stichting Reprorecht | Hoofddorp | Bestuurder | 2018-01-01 - present
  • Commissie auteursrecht | Den Haag | Lid | 2022-07-26 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

Personal information

Prof.dr. Stef van Gompel is Full Professor of Intellectual Property at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is specialized in intellectual property law and in national and international copyright law, in particular. He was written numerous publications in this field and is a regular speaker at national and international conferences. He is also the president of the Dutch national group of AIPPI, member of the executive committee of AIPPI international, chairperson of the editorial board of the Dutch copyright journal Auteursrecht, deputy chairperson of the Standing Committee on Plagiarism of Buma/Stemra, member of the Dutch Copyright Committee (Commissie Auteursrecht) that advises the Minister of Justice and Security of the Netherlands on copyright-related matters, and member of the board of the Dutch reprographic reproduction rights foundation Reprorecht (representing authors of professional and scientific publications on behalf of the KNAW).


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