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€1.5 million NWO KIC Mission Driven Innovation in Regional Innovation Systems
Deken, Fleur (Recipient) & Berends, Hans (Recipient), 2022
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
€133,000 grant from NWO, programme ‘Promotiebeurs voor leraren'.
Jansen, Paul (Recipient), Solinger, Omar (Recipient), Spisak, B.R. (Recipient) & van der Helm, P. (Recipient), 2017
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
€15.000 NWO KIEM grant
Deken, Fleur (Recipient) & Kleinsmann, Maaike (Recipient), 2016
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
€15.000 NWO KIEM grant
Deken, Fleur (Recipient) & Kleinsmann, Maaike (Recipient), 2014
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
€15.000 NWO KIEM grant
Deken, Fleur (Recipient) & Huysman, Marleen (Recipient), 2014
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
€178,250 grant from NWO, programme ‘Promotiebeurs voor leraren'.
van Herk, Hester (Recipient), Weltevreden, Jesse (Recipient) & Verhagen, Tibert (Recipient), 2017
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
€50.000 NWO Open Science Fund
Deken, Fleur (Recipient), Berends, Hans (Recipient) & Khadjavi Pour, Kacana (Recipient), 2021
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
€599,768 NWO Topsectoren grant
Deken, Fleur (Recipient) & Huysman, Marleen (Recipient), 2014
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
€750.000 NWO Open Competition OPEN-QUAL
Deken, Fleur (Recipient), Berends, Hans (Recipient) & Tuertscher, Philipp (Recipient), 2022
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
1,2,3 towards autonomy?!: Exploring intentions for self-management of rehabilitation professionals and parents of children with a chronic condition
Wong Chung, Ruud (Recipient), 10 Nov 2016
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
1998 'Vernieuwer van het Nederlandse Bedrijfsleven'
Jansen, Paul (Recipient), 1998
Prize / Grant: Prize › Societal
1e prijs in Essaywedstrijd 'Heb Vertrouwen' van Tijdschrift Volzin
Stronks, Martijn (Recipient), 2013
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
1st prize, graduate student paper competition, North American Regional Science Association, 2006
Poelhekke, Steven (Recipient), 2006
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
1st prize: The Ga'aton Blvd Urban Design and Regeneration Competition
Schwake, Gabriel (Recipient), 20 Dec 2012
Prize / Grant: Prize › Societal
1st prize for best LOD application (Netherlands)
Beek, W.G.J. (Recipient), Rietveld, L.J. (Recipient) & Schlobach, S. (Recipient), 2015
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
Eiben, Gusz (Recipient), 2001
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
2004 Honorary guest conference ‘Human dynamics: Driving force for global competence’
Jansen, Paul (Recipient), 17 Oct 2004
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
2005 3rd place in Top 10 of NL P&O scientists
Jansen, Paul (Recipient), 2005
Prize / Grant: Prize › Societal
2009 European Journal of Marketing Highly Commended Reviewer award for outstanding service to European Journal of Marketing
Kleijnen, MHP (Recipient), 2009
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
2012 Grant from ISBM (Penn State) for 8.790 dollar
Mooi, E.A. (Recipient), 2012
Prize / Grant: Grant › Academic
2012 UAM-Accenture Award for the paper "Management Innovation and Firm Performance in Service Innovation Management"
Janssen, M. (Recipient), Alexiev, A.S. (Recipient), Castaldi, C. (Recipient) & den Hertog, P. (Recipient), 2013
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
2013-14 President of the Religious Education Association
Miedema, Siebren (Recipient), 2013
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic
2014 Best scientific publication prize of the Association of Public Affairs Professionals (BVPA) for an article with Jan Beyers: ‘Ties that Count. Explaining interest group access to policy makers’, Journal of Public Policy, 43(1):93-121
Braun, C.H.J.M. (Recipient), 2014
Prize / Grant: Prize › Academic