The KNAW has established the KNAW Early Career Award in 2019 to recognize talented young researchers who are at the beginning of their careers and who are considered capable of (further) developing innovative and original research ideas. Up to twelve Awards, consisting of €15,000 and a work of art, are presented annually, namely three in each of the four KNAW domains (Humanities; Behavioral, Social and Legal Sciences; Natural and Technical Sciences; Medical, Medical-Biological and Health Sciences).
Dr. Yanev received the KNAW Early Career Award for his original research on the various forms of criminal responsibility developed by the international courts and tribunals, as well as on the laws and legal standards that domestic courts in the Netherlands (and other states) apply when exercising universal jurisdiction to try war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide
Awarded date
14 Feb 2022
Granting Organisations
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen