Rob van der Laarse (Recipient) & G. Carr (Recipient)
History. AHRC-NWO Anglo-Dutch Networking Grant (VU University / Cambridge University)
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) have jointly considered applications to the AHRC-NWO Humanities Research Netwerking and Exchange Scheme to which you have submitted your application Landscapes of war, trauma and occupation. Painful heritage and the dynamics of memory in post-1989 Europe (registration number 318-98-103). I am delighted to inform you that you have been made an award offer of € 40,000.-.
The start date of you project is set to July 1, 2012; the associated end date is June 30, 2014.(File nr. 318-98-103)
Awarded date
1 Jul 2012
Degree of recognition
Granting Organisations
AHRC-NWO Humanities Research Networking Exchange Scheme