SPIRAL: Integrated interventions to achieve durable HIV control in diverse populations

Prize / Grant: GrantAcademic


This project jointly funded by NWO and AIDSfonds addresses the urgent need to develop safe, affordable, and globally accessible strategies for HIV cure. Currently, we do not know what integrated interventions are needed to achieve durable HIV control. Additionally, we do not have a comprehensive understanding of contextual barriers, facilitators, and perspectives of stakeholders for implementation. In this interdisciplinary project, biomedical researchers, clinicians, social scientists, health economists, and communication specialists will work equitably with low and middle‐income countries and industry partners to work toward developing an HIV cure for all. ​

Donor: NWO and AIDSfonds KICH2.V4P.AF23.001
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsNWO
