COST Action - Sustainable use of salt-affected lands

Project: Research

Project Details


This COST Action aims to build a global transdisciplinary network of scientific experts and engaged stakeholders in the field of salinity research in the context of food security, sustainability and the intensifying climate crisis. Our activities will focus on:

(i) understanding responses to heterogeneous soil salinity and other combined stresses in the soil-rhizosphere-plant continuum;

(ii) building a knowledge-base to improve water and soil management, and crop production on salt-affected lands;

(iii) showcasing the total value of salt-affected lands and saline landscapes;

(iv) connecting various stakeholders involved in saline agriculture; and

(v) developing targeted policy frameworks for the proper salinisation management, bringing saline agriculture as a complementary component in the European food security agenda for coastal and inland salt-affected lands. Mutual knowledge exchange and sharing best practices will contribute to more sustainable use of salt-affected lands and enhance the resilience of the landscape as a whole.
Effective start/end date1/11/2331/12/25


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