A synthesis of biological invasion hypotheses associated with the introduction–naturalisation–invasion continuum

Ella Z. Daly, Olivier Chabrerie, Francois Massol, Benoit Facon, Manon C.M. Hess, Aurélie Tasiemski, Frédéric Grandjean, Matthieu Chauvat, Frédérique Viard, Estelle Forey, Laurent Folcher, Elise Buisson, Thomas Boivin, Sylvie Baltora-Rosset, Romain Ulmer, Patricia Gibert, Gabrielle Thiébaut, Jelena H. Pantel, Tina Heger, David M. RichardsonDavid Renault

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


With the advent of the Anthropocene, biological invasions have reached an unprecedented level, and the number of species introductions is still increasing in an ever-changing world. Despite major advances in invasion science, significant debate and lack of clarity remain surrounding the determinants of success of introduced species, the magnitude and dimensions of their impact, and the mechanisms sustaining successful invasions. Empirical studies show divergent impacts of alien populations on ecosystems and contrasting effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the dynamics of alien populations, which hinders the creation of a unified theory of biological invasions. Compounding these issues is the plethora of hypotheses that aim to explain invasion success, which can be unclear and contradictory. We propose a synthesis that categorizes hypotheses along a timeline of invasion. We sorted invasion hypotheses along the invasion timeline, and considered population, community and ecosystem levels. This temporal sorting of invasion concepts shows that each is relevant at a specific stage of the invasion. Although concepts and empirical findings on alien species may appear contradictory, when mapped onto an invasion timeline, they may be combined in a complementary way. An overall scheme is proposed to summarise the theoretical dynamics of ecosystems subjected to invasions. For any given case study, this framework provides a guide through the maze of theories and should help choose the appropriate concepts according to the stage of invasion.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere09645
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2023
Externally publishedYes


– The authors were supported by InEE‐CNRS via a funded network dedicated to Biological Invasions (GdR CNRS 3647 Invasions Biologiques). The research was funded by the ASICS project (ANR‐20‐EBI5‐0004, BiodivERsA, BiodivClim call 2019–2020), and the French Polar Institute Paul‐Emile Victor (Project 136 ‘SubAntEco', French Polar Institute). DMR acknowledges support from Mobility 2020 project no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0017850 (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic) and long‐term research development project RVO 67985939 (Czech Academy of Sciences). – The authors acknowledge the French Polar Institute (Project 136-Subanteco) and the ASICS project (ANR-20-EBI5-0004, BiodivERsA, BiodivClim call 2019–2020). They also thank InEE-CNRS who supports the national network ‘Biological Invasions' (Groupement de Recherche InvaBio, 2014–2022). TH received funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, project number HE 5893/8-1. This is the publication ISEM 2022-292 of the Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution – Montpellier. – The authors were supported by InEE-CNRS via a funded network dedicated to Biological Invasions (GdR CNRS 3647 Invasions Biologiques). The research was funded by the ASICS project (ANR-20-EBI5-0004, BiodivERsA, BiodivClim call 2019–2020), and the French Polar Institute Paul-Emile Victor (Project 136 ‘SubAntEco', French Polar Institute). DMR acknowledges support from Mobility 2020 project no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0017850 (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic) and long-term research development project RVO 67985939 (Czech Academy of Sciences). – The authors acknowledge the French Polar Institute (Project 136‐Subanteco) and the ASICS project (ANR‐20‐EBI5‐0004, BiodivERsA, BiodivClim call 2019–2020). They also thank InEE‐CNRS who supports the national network ‘Biological Invasions' (Groupement de Recherche InvaBio, 2014–2022). TH received funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, project number HE 5893/8‐1. This is the publication ISEM 2022‐292 of the Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution – Montpellier.

FundersFunder number
Institut des Sciences de l'EvolutionCZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0017850
Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftHE 5893/8‐1
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a TělovýchovyRVO 67985939
Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy
Akademie Věd České Republiky
Institut Polaire Français Paul Emile VictorANR‐20‐EBI5‐0004
Institut Polaire Français Paul Emile Victor


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