Additional psychometric information and vision-specific questionnaires are available for age-realted macular degeneration

R.M.A. van Nispen, M.R. de Boer, G.H.M.B. van Rens

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Purpose: To present psychometric information and studies dealing with questionnaires for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and visually impaired patients in addition to the study by Finger et al. "Quality of life in AMD: a review of available vision-specific psychometric tools". We propose that their literature search should not have focused solely on the specific eye disease AMD. Methods: The literature search was partly replicated (PubMed) by using "visual impairment" instead of "macular degeneration" as free text words. Psychometric information was obtained from the additional studies. Preliminary results from a differential item functioning (DIF) analysis used to examine the relationship between item responses on the Vision-related quality of life Core Measure (VCM1) of AMD patients versus patients with other eye conditions are discussed. Results: Eight studies of visually impaired patient populations, including AMD patients, are discussed, with psychometric information from six vision-specific questionnaires. The VCM1 items did not present DIF, which means that the items were equally interpreted by all patients. Conclusions: The results on DIF and the additional studies presented here confirm that a specific eye disorder is of minor importance in the choice of a vision-specific questionnaire or, in this case, a literature search.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)65-69
JournalQuality of Life Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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