Advancing a Radical Audience Turn in Journalism. Fundamental Dilemmas for Journalism Studies

Joëlle Swart*, Tim Groot Kormelink, Irene Costera Meijer, Marcel Broersma

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Despite its increasing attention for audiences, journalism studies remains an inherently production-focused discipline. Consequently, studying the perspective of audiences tends to automatically start from questions relevant for and benefitting the news industry. In this introduction, we argue for a more radical audience turn that pushes journalism studies forward beyond normative and industry concerns, and starts from the perspective of audiences themselves. We formulate four constructive starting points for advancing the audience turn in journalism: 1) further decentering journalism by also focusing on non-news and employing non-media centric approaches; 2) broadening who counts as audience by including audiences considered commercially unattractive; 3) shifting the focus from what counts as news use to what is experienced as informative; and 4) positing audiences as active agents. However, such a radical audience turn also creates fundamental dilemmas for journalism studies, raising questions about the field’s object of study, the spaces and contexts of news use considered, and the objectives of journalism studies as a field. With this special issue, we call for further reflections on how news and informational needs may be conceptualized from an audience perspective and how to theorize what this means for journalism’s role in society and everyday life.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8-22
Number of pages16
JournalDigital Journalism
Issue number1
Early online date16 Feb 2022
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This introduction provides us with an opportunity to link the results and insights of the contributing authors with our own research results (2006–2022) and to use our own perspective to further problematize the audience turn in journalism. For our colloquium ‘The Audience Turn in Journalism’, funded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, that concluded our research project The New News Consumer (2013–2018), we invited a wide range of scholars in journalism studies and related disciplines to reflect on and contribute to advancing the audience turn. The colloquium and the special issue provided us with an abundance of new insights into the field of audience studies within journalism studies and with new avenues for audience research, that we reflect upon in this introduction. This article is part of the research project ‘The New News Consumer: User-based Innovation to Meet Paradigmatic Change in News Use and Media Habits’, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and 10 leading news organizations [grant number 314-99-103]. Details on the project - a collaboration between VU University Amsterdam and University of Groningen - can be found at:

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.


  • Audience studies
  • audience turn
  • journalism
  • journalism studies
  • news consumption
  • news use


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