Algorithm to calculate probability and delay discounting parameter estimations in STATA. Supplementary Material to DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2020.1862287

Research output: Web publication or Non-textual formSoftwareAcademic


Algorithm in .txt format to use as STATA .do-file. The algorithms calculates probability and delay discounting scores from Madden et al.’s (2009) Probability Discounting (PD) Questionnaire and Kirby et al.’s (1999) Delay Discounting (DD) scale. The algorithm was developed for the software STATA, based on Gray et al.'s (2016; DOI: 10.1002/jeab.221) syntax for SPSS and R.

This algorithm is supplementary material for the article:
Weißmüller, K.S. (2022). ‘Publicness and Micro-Level Risk Behaviour: Experimental Evidence on Stereotypical Discounting Behaviour.’ Public Management Review, 24(4): 601-630
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTaylor and Francis
EditionPublic Management Review
Media of outputOnline
Size305 kb
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jan 2021


  • Probability discounting
  • delay discounting
  • risk behavior


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