Bekennen und verwerfen: Westphals Ringen um Luther und Melanchthon

R.G. Kuhn

Research output: PhD ThesisPhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal

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Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Janse, W., Supervisor
  • Kaufmann, T., Co-supervisor, -
Award date26 Sept 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • The thesis in hand looks at the specific role of the Hamburg theologian Joachim Westphal between 1548
  • when the Augsburg Interim was introduced
  • and the schism of Worms
  • in 1557. It describes the process by which Westphal discovered his confessional identity while giving special consideration to his struggle for Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon.

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