Building a nation under occupation: Fragmented sovereignty, security sector reform, and the issue of legitimacy in the context of occupation

M. Dekker

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


After the second intifada, and the concurrent destruction of the Palestinian Authority security forces’ (PSF) infrastructure, the development and training of the security forces recommenced with renewed vigour, with substantial support of the EU and US, as well as increased cooperation with the Israeli army and intelligence. The reinstatement of the PA’s monopoly on the legitimate use of force and its role as the sole provider of security in the West Bank is facing serious challenges, however, by non-state actors, as well as the continued presence of Israeli Defence Forces. Due to the social, political and geographical fragmentation of the West Bank, various local actors have been able to develop a certain autonomy where it concerns providing security to their respective communities . This phenomenon, which can be called fragmented sovereignty, has substantial consequences for the Palestinian nation-state-building project, while it bolsters identification with sub-state communities and undermines the legitimacy of the PA, which is already under pressure because of increased cooperation with Israel. Paradoxically, the Israeli military infrastructure also hampers the performance of the PSF, which further erodes trust and legitimacy. This article explores how the divisions between the various actors, both state and non-state, and the context of occupation cause the delegitimisation of the PA and analyses the effects on Palestinian security.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)37-55
Number of pages19
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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