Canına kıymak – ‘crushing life energy’: a qualitative study on lay and professional understandings of suicide and help-seeking among Turkish migrants in the UK and in the Netherlands

O. Eylem, D.D. van Bergen, S. Rathod, A. van Straten, K. Bhui, A.J.F.M. Kerkhof

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Currently, little is known about the views that Turkish migrants hold
towards suicide, which may differ from the narratives held by native
inhabitants of their host countries. Central to improving the provision of
mental health services, furthering our knowledge of these views is
important. The aim of this research was to explore Turkish cultural
understandings on suicide and help-seeking for suicide. A qualitative
study included data from 6 focus groups and 7 individual interviews
with 38 Turkish-speaking lay people and 4 key informants living in the
Netherlands or the UK during the year 2014/2015. Through the analysis
of participants’ stories and narratives, the following key themes emerged
in relation to suicide: suicide as an escape from failure and as a failure in
itself; acculturation orientation; parenting style; and shame and stigma.
There were more similarities than differences between the themes
among laypersons and key informants from two countries. Canına
kıymak (crushing life energy) was a strong metaphor for personal
distress. Suicide was perceived as a failing of responsibilities towards the
family and community. Future research should aim to give voice to all
ethnocultural groups to further the present understanding of suicide
and help-seeking processes in these communities
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal of Culture and Mental Health
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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