Case study of a batch-production and inventory system

E.M.M. Winands, A.G. de Kok, C. Timpe

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The goal of "Practice Abstracts" is to present interesting, topical, and novel applications of operations research methodology to a wide range of industrial applications. "Practice Abstracts" are intended to provide Interfaces readers with short (2-4 page) descriptions of the most relevant aspects of operations research-based projects, in a form that is accessible to academics and practitioners in other organizations. Contributions should be sent for evaluation to the editor of "Practice Abstracts," Brian T. Denton, Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 376 Daniels Hall, North Carolina State University, 111 Lampe Drive, Campus Box 7906, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695 ([email protected]). © 2009 INFORMS.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)552-554
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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