Collected Cases on EU Labour Law

A. Eleveld (Editor), B.P. ter Haar (Editor)

Research output: Book / ReportBook (Editorship) Professional


European labour law has an unmistakable influence on national law. This applies even more to the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), as it has implications for the application of European law in the Member States and with it the interpretation of national law. This book contains a collection of standard judgments that every labour lawyer should know. In addition, each section contains a number of judgments that have proved to be of particular interest for most of the EU Member States’ jurisdictions, or that have determined the discussion to a large extent on the respective topic of labour law.
This collection of cases is unique because it is the only one that focuses solely on EU labour law and because each of the topical sections is provided with an introductory text in which the case-law is put in broader EU context. Consequently, for every legal practitioner this book offers easy access to CJEU case-law in order to assess whether and to what extent a particular judgment can be of importance for a case at hand.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEleven Publishers / Boom Juridische Uitgevers
Number of pages1068
ISBN (Print)9789462904903
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

NameBoom Jurisprudentie en documentatie
PublisherBoom Juridisch


  • European Labour law


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