Combination of LC-MS and NMR metabolomics datasets from different measurement series

H.H.M. Draisma, F. van der Kloet, T. Reijmers, I Bobeldijk-Pastorova, J.J. Meulman, G.F. Estourgie-van Burk, J. van der Greef, D.I. Boomsma, E. Spies-Faber, J. Vogels, T. Hankemeier

Research output: Contribution to ConferenceAbstractOther research output

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2009
EventAnnual Meeting of the NWO/CW Studiegroep Analytische Scheikunde and the Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry (NVMS) - Amsterdam
Duration: 2 Nov 20093 Nov 2009


ConferenceAnnual Meeting of the NWO/CW Studiegroep Analytische Scheikunde and the Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry (NVMS)

Bibliographical note

Proceedings title: Program of the Annual Meeting of the NWO/CW Studiegroep Analytische Scheikunde and the Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry (NVMS)
Publisher: NWO
Place of publication: Amsterdam

Cohort Studies

  • Netherlands Twin Register (NTR)

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