Concepts of dynamic equilibrium of interest for river management in the Lower Maas catchment

J. Vandenberghe, G. Venhuizen, J.J.W. Moor

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


This paper discusses the interaction between climate change, land use, water management and internal evolution within a river catchment, applied to the Maas River catchment. It is based on the results of a project carried out as part of the Dutch research programme "Climate Changes Spatial Planning", theme "Climate Scenarios". These results were obtained by a combination of proxy reconstructions and by numerical modelling of past, present-day and near-future climate and river evolution. Since external factors like climate change and human impact influence the river system in such a way that they will have severe consequences for society, economy and public health, understanding of the cause-and-effect relations within a river basin appears to be of utmost importance. Therefore, a background framework for accurate water management strategies, based on the intrinsic factors and external driving factors (climate, human impact) influencing the Maas River, has been developed. Together with the simulations, which give a good overview of the trends in precipitation and discharge between 4000-3000 BP and 1000-2000 AD (as well as an outlook to the 21
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)141-153
Number of pages13
JournalGeographia Polonica
Issue numberspec. is. 2
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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